The Joy of Swinging Both Ways

Okay, let me get in here real early. If the title has you thinking one way that is inappropriate for […]


Here in New Orleans, we noted with more than passing and casual interest of the staging andthe follow-up stories from […]

The Truth About Spring

In most parts of the world, spring is a season of rebirth. Coming out of desperately coldconditions, spring exemplifies rebirth […]

Weird Places to Skimp

By this stage of your life, assuming you are over the age of 21 years,  you have probably made up […]


I have the greatest admiration for anyone who has the courage to work behind a bar. While the gig may […]

An Idea with Legs

There are some thoughts that are top-notch and don’t age. Interestingly they are likely actions you still have not done. […]

Beer Cocktails

Beer Cocktails I think it makes sense to continue a topic which on many levels is on everyone’s mind: The […]